Today in Greek class we were listening to some song from the eighties because the lyrics contained travel words and future tense, which we’re studying. I guess listening to songs is a universal language-teacher tool, not just Spanish. At any rate, in this song about summer, I learned not only travel words but the Greek words for naked, love experts, and “in love like penguins”, the title of the post. I thought it was pretty funny.
Also, last night I was making Greek flashcards with all the new words and the word for ‘tonight’ is απόψε, which, as I sounded it out and wrote it, sounded like apoopsie. Even now as I writing this I’m chuckling, but I laughed so hard, sitting alone in my room! Then, of course, today in class the teacher says it and I burst out laughing, I couldn’t contain it and just sort of put my head down and pinched my ear until I stopped. For the next ten minutes I would think about it, still find it hilarious, and shake with silent laugher, trying not to make it audible. I’ve gone away from home, but I’m obviously still a 4 year old child. But c’mon. It’s funny. Poopsie. Laugh with me.
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