Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Break Prep

Today I worked harder at school than I have in a while, but not on anything for my classes: During all my breaks, I worked for what was probably a total of 4+hours on making sure everything was ready for spring break. Printing out e-mail confirmations, typing up an itinerary, getting directions from train station to hotel to airport to hotel… was a lot of hard work but I feel much better knowing everything is organized and I know where I’m going. Tomorrow I’m packing; I have to fit everything I want to bring for two weeks, clothes, camera, purse, toiletries, into my backpack. Luckily I have some little pouches of tide stuff so I can wash my clothes in the sink. I’m only nervous that it will be cold at night or there will be a chilly day and I won’t have brought enough to keep me warn since it wouldn’t fit—I plan on bringing mostly shorts and T-shirts.

Because of spring break I really don’t want to buy food and am just trying to eat up what I have, but it’s hard to make a meal. I have tons of pasta (which doesn’t really go bad) and cheese, but not much else. I still managed to make a successful go at it; I made fried noodles with a three-cheese sauce, leftover spargel, and part of an eggplant Abby brought up to me, and it was actually delicious.

Apparently Mom sent me a package a week ago—I really hope it comes tomorrow, because if it doesn’t I won’t get it until I get back from spring break! I just got back to Thess and now I’m prepping to go away again, for a really long time. Spring break will be tons of fun, but I know I’ll be happy to come back home at the end of it. Time flies by so quickly; after spring break there is only a month left in Thessaloniki! I plan to spend most of those weekends here in the city, and I know a lot of my friends feel the same way—trying to suck as much as we can out of our last days together!

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